University of Toronto

Practicum Administration System (PAS)

The portal below provides access to the practicum administration system for the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work.

Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work Practicum

On this portal, field instructors and the Practicum Office can post practicum opportunities for students in the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work. Students can prioritize their practicum choices using Form A. An Interview Matching Algorithm will match students to practicums based on their preferences, accessibility accommodations, and the practicum's capacity. Students and field instructors will then have an interview and rank their preferences using Form C. Lastly, a Placement Matching Algorithm run by the Practicum Office will finalize the placements. Students and field instructors can evaluate each other using evaluation forms on the application. Faculty Field Liaisons and the Practicum Site's Education Coordinators can sign off on the evaluation forms.

Students and Practicum Office Staff:


Field Instructors and Coordinators:

Instructor & Education Coordinator Login

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